Charlton Turns Pink for Cancer

It’s the pastel shade which packs a punch, and Charlton turned “pretty” to “powerful” raising a grand total of more than $8,200 to aid the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) at the “Turn Charlton Pink” Day on June 29. 

The brainchild of local Leanne Fanning, who along with her husband Greg make up the managerial team at the Charlton Traveller’s Rest, the chance to brighten up the town while raising money for a good cause held strong appeal. 

A cancer survivor herself, Leanne saw the opportunity to both promote the cause and have a bit of fun at the same time. While festooning pink tinsel and candy-coloured pink lady cutouts across shop windows in town, the real eye-catcher was the bras adorning the façade of the East Charlton Hotel balcony. Ever-ready to help an event which highlights the town, ECH proprietors, Greg Towers and Leanne Gretgrix, were more than willing to come on board, with Greg happy to wear a bra, to give the accompanying photo a, shall we say–lift!

The front of the East was also bathed in pink light at night, thanks to the initiative of Greg with electrician, Daimian Stahl lending a helping hand.

The main feature was the dinner fundraiser held at the ECH on the Saturday evening, which combined dress-ups, trivia night and auction and was compered by actress / television “Survivor” star, Pia Miranda, and Leanne’s brother, Mark.

With the dinner an instant sell-out, the East became a fairy floss coloured hub as the dining room filled with attendees swathed in the appropriate pastel shades. Crowd numbers were boosted even more with the arrival of the footy club as all settled in for a night of fun and fund raising.

With John Tormey on the auction, the crowning of the King and Queen of Pink (Warren Foster and Abby Mulquiny) and a specially created “Charlton Sunrise” cocktail, the night was primed for success.

“It was just fabulous”, said Leanne. “Overwhelming, uplifting, a bubbly night of fun – it’s been an opportunity to raise awareness for breast cancer, as well as prettying the town up and giving it a lift in the middle of winter. 

“Being the first event, I didn’t know what to expect,” she said, “but it’s brought people along who might not have normally come out for something like this. It’s just been amazing!”

Leanne also had plenty of praise for the all the community support – from the more than 50 donors who provided items for the auction, to the helpers and those who came along to the meal. 

“I am so excited about next year”, she said. “I’m hoping it will become an annual event.”

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