Charlton’s Australia Day guest speakers Bronwyn Simpson (left) and Bernice Kenny (right) are pictured with the “Cabbaritta” CWA President, Maria Perger (centre).
(By Jenny Pollard)
A Golden Anniversary filled with many golden highlights is how Charlton’s Country Women’s Association (CWA) Branch, Cabbaritta will mark its 50th anniversary during 2025.
As the organizing body of Charlton’s Australia Day ceremony, a retrospective address on Cabbaritta and CWA outreach was presented by two branch members as part of the recent Australia Day program.
A brief outline of the organisation’s rural origins and the evolution of the current branch, along with the diversity of local outreach was pertinent on a day which celebrated community achievements.
The following is a coverage of this address. Long-standing branch member, Bernice Kenny opened the presentation:
“I want to briefly share with you the impact which the Country Women’s Association of Victoria (CWA) has initiated and sustained since its beginnings in 1928, and which continues to provide direction for our organization today.
“Empathy, support and assistance never go out of style, and while CWA might be viewed as the ‘Tea & Scone’ ladies, the scope of the organization has, and continues to, extend well beyond the ‘kitchen’!
“Today, while we have applauded the outreach of the ‘Blue Tree Project’ (Buloke Shire Event of the Year) for highlighting mental health awareness, CWA was originally formed to provide a supportive link for the soldier settlers’ wives who lived in isolation on the newly opened up Mallee landscape.
“Without the technology and transportation we take for granted today, these pioneering women strove in remote and harsh settings, raising families, frequently alone, and without the convenience of a quick phone call when things went wrong.
“In those days no one ever asked them if they were coping.
“CWA was formed to create ways of bringing women together. In rural areas, premises – which became known as CWA Rest Rooms – were secured in towns, where on shopping days, mothers could feed and change their babies, meet with other women, talk and perhaps do some craftwork.
(Doesn’t this sound like outlets we have today, which recognize that a “burden shared is a burden halved?”)
Supporting the war effort during WWII saw the drive for practical needs being met with the local CWA engaged in activities such as making camouflage nets, knitting socks, and creating care packs to be sent overseas to the soldiers.
“By 1946 changing times saw a new CWA Branch established in Charlton. Known as the ‘Younger Set’, the focus was on addressing the needs of younger age groups and younger families. Through social occasions such as dances and baby shows, funds raised aided with the establishment of the Infant Welfare Centre and the Bush Nursing Hospital.
“Our current CWA Branch began fifty years ago in 1975 – adopting the indigenous name ‘Cabbaritta’, which means ‘by the water’ or ‘a bend in the river’.
“A half century of service is a significant milestone and the local community – and beyond – has been enriched by the activities, achievements and resources which our local country women have supplied.
“From hosting events such the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea, to providing behind-the-scenes support following natural disasters; to adding our voice to state and national matters through the wider CWA organization, and now encouraging the up-coming generations through our CWA Juniors Group. These are the people who will help to build the future. We currently have 15 junior members, ranging in age from 7-15 years. Girls and boys are welcome, and we encourage young people to consider joining.”
CWA member, Bronwyn Simpson, then continued with the branch’s community involvement:
“Our branch will celebrate its 50th birthday anniversary this year and as a service group, we play an important role within the Charlton community.
“Supporting friendship is our primary goal. We support local groups such as the Tuesday Crafters, and the Charlton Agricultural Show. The Story Time mats and pillows are an example of our support for the local library program, and the Charlton/Wycheproof Citizen’s Band has been a recipient of our fundraising.
“Cabbaritta has supported education for Charlton through many donations to the play groups, kinder and Driver Education. At the local schools we have assisted with activities such as knitting programs, and each year we now sponsor student scholarships. Many local families have also been recipients of the CWA State Education grants, both at secondary and tertiary levels.
“Not everything is fundraising, and we put our thinking caps on each year to decorate Christmas windows and the stage for the Australia Day celebration. We attempt to acknowledge every baby born in the 3525 postcode area with a handmade gift.
“Cabbaritta Juniors have met for activities for more than ten years now, and this has even included some young lads who enjoy expanding their creative skills.
“Where would we be without the community coming together as we host the Biggest Morning Tea for cancer fundraising each year? A lot can be said for a chat over a cup of tea and a nice slice!
“As we probably know, CWA is well known for their scones. The OK Motels Festival visitors always compliment us and we serve approximately 200 scones for that event. This year four of our members were among the 170 members from around Victoria who volunteered at the Melbourne Royal Show. There were 16,420 handmade scones made over the eleven days of the Show, and for those interested, this required: 1,026 kilograms of self-raising flour, 246 litres of milk and the same of cream. The ‘Royal’ is the biggest fundraiser for the Association and these funds contribute greatly to the running of the organization. Together with the donations to the community emergency and welfare funds which each branch contributes to, CWA is able to support individuals and communities in need. Charlton has been a grateful recipient, especially in times of floods in our town.
“Our organisation’s theme – Care, Empower, Contribute – can be seen within our membership and within our community. Even if the CWA isn’t for you, I am sure you could take up the mantra with any other group or sporting association in town. Country towns really thrive with volunteers, and Charlton is better for each contribution that you make.
“Thank you, and I wish you all a very happy 2025 Australia Day”.