The Buloke Times
Fun Day Out a Hit with Seniors
2 min read

It was billed as “Movies & Munchies”,  a fun title for the 2024 Buloke Seniors Festival which delivered a day of enjoyment, a time to mix and mingle, and a chance to share food and conversations in celebration of the regions’ elder citizens.

 And the response from those attending last Wednesday’s event was a resounding tick of approval!

The Rex Theatre-organized function was a free event which included two movies, morning tea and lunch with the aim of bringing people together to have a relaxed and carefree outing.

An expansive morning tea, which included fruit platters welcomed patrons on arrival, before the crowd moved indoors to settle in for the first movie: “Thelma”. In a tale dealing with phone scamming older people, a 93-year-old grandmother loses $10,000 to a con artist and then follows her journey as she pursues him across Los Angeles to reclaim her dues.

The topic created a strong talking point over lunch with patrons identifying with the risks of being a target for the unscrupulous. 

A short trek from the Rex to the Charlton Hall saw the crowd enjoy a smorgasbord meal of nutritious salads, beef and chicken along with a choice of three different desserts. Dietary needs were addressed, and the compliments flowed for the quality and quantity of what was on offer. A leisurely cuppa rounded the meal off, before it was time to head back to The Rex for the classic Gene Kelly / Leslie Caron movie – “An American in Paris.”

The feedback on the day was very positive with repeated thanks and praise being offered for the smooth organization, film choices and the outstanding catering by Kylie and Naomi Fitzpatrick of “Kindred Kreations”. 

“Great movies, great food, great company” said one patron. “A wonderful day, thoroughly enjoyed by our group. The catering was outstanding. Thanks very much to you all,”said another.

Funding from the Victorian State Government – which enabled the running of this event – encourages initiatives and activities for seniors during the month of October which runs in alignment with the International Day of Older Persons. 

For rural areas, where isolation and loneliness can be a significant issue, an event such as “Movies & Munchies” can provide an important opportunity for outreach and connection, especially for those who may not have the means to regularly engage with others.

The Rex Theatre would also like to acknowledge the support of: Birchip Neighbourhood House, Charlton Neighbourhood House, Donald Community Centre, Quambatook Community Resource Centre, Sea Lake Neighbourhood House and the Wycheproof Community Resource Centre for their assistance with bookings and community outreach for the promotion of this event.

Given the ongoing feedback, the 2024 Seniors Festival was a day which created lasting memories.