Over two hundred community members participated in colour runs at Wooroonook Lake, Tchum Lake, Watchem Lake and Green Lake on Sunday, November 28, 2021, to play their part in creating a safe and respectful Buloke, free from family violence.

Olivia Boyle with nieces Anika, Ava and nephew Finn Boyle, at the Watchem Lake.

Bill Lee, Tess Lee, Lachie Makin, Harry Wilson, at Tchum Lake.

Runners at Tchum Lake are off in a cloud of colour.

Helpers Ella Hogan, Harry Cook, Riley Hogan and Josh Woods colour their Watchem visitors.

Birchip Youth Group members Gemma Woods, Hannah Cook and Ella Hogan, organisers of Watchem Lake run.

Involved in the Sea Lake colour day at Green Lake were, from left, Kate Alday, Jada Symes, Lily McClelland and Keely Griffiths.

Charli, Tom and Lily McClelland enjoying colour day at Green Lake.

Group of runners at Watchem Lake.

Birchip Youth Group members: Tyler Haslam, Gabby Sanford, Hannah Wilson, Sophie Kemp, Maggie Wilson, Taina Brooks.

Wycheproof's Cooper and Scottie Allan at Wooroonook.

Murphy Fitzpatrick and Henry Bourke approaching the colouring point during the colour run at Wooroonook Lake.

Charlton colour run participants included, from left, Jye Roberts, Sheena Fitzpatrick, Clancy Bourke, Poppy Fitzpatrick, Isaac Bourke, Elise Fitzpatrick, Murphy Fitzpatrick, Amali Fitzpatrick and Rosie Fitzpatrick.

Organisers of the Wooroonook event including volunteers and staff from Charlton Neighbourhood House, Wycheproof Community Resource Centre and the Wycheproof Youth Group, left to right, Liz Richardson, Jacinta Miller, Carol Bennett, Deb Finlay, Kate Thompson, Paige Arnel, Matilda Bish, Whitney Jones, Libby Thompson, Averyll Loft, Xanthe Fitzpatrick.

Xanthe Fitzpatrick and Averyll Loft, Organisers of the event at Lake Wooroonook, Charlton and Wycheproof Neighbourhood House co-ordinators.

Participants at Wooroonook.
2021 Colour Runs: 16 Days of Activism