Donald resident Brenden Murphy has owned 1mile2go photography for a number of years, and his incredible photos display images of the district that make you proud to live here.
He has a preference for Canon equipment, and the moments he’s captured within the community showcase a remarkable ability that can be viewed on his website, where Brenden describes his vision as a photographer:
“To capture intentional and candid moments for all the projects I take on board. I enjoy experimenting with different photography styles and enjoy all facets.”
His vision shines through in his images, exploring the menu of his website reveals funky modern portraits and stunning landscapes (that I personally think would make wonderful tourism postcards for the region). He has also taken the time to explore local events, including Esoteric Festival and Cuisine in the Crop.
Armed with a creative perspective, an eye for detail and a passion for promoting the town that he loves, Brenden has recently embarked on an adventure that not only highlights the community connection within Donald, but also promotes and supports the businesses and individuals in a small regional district through the current pandemic.
The Covid Project
Some may have already encountered Brenden while out and about throughout the town, bound to be seen behind the lens as Donald Football Club’s official photographer. He has also been actively approaching members of the community for interviews and information gathering (and of course photos!) to record the impact of the pandemic in the town of Donald.
Though we feel for our city cousins, still doing it tough in stage 4 restrictions, out here in the Buloke district (where Covid numbers have remained a steady zero throughout), businesses, individuals and community groups are still feeling the pinch of the restrictions put in place. And let’s face it; in small communities like these, most were doing it tough before the pandemic hit.
One look at the state of our country roads will tell you that smaller communities lack the funding availability of larger metropolitan areas. Then the pandemic restrictions hit everyone harder . . .
But I digress; we’re here to talk about Brenden, whose Covid project has clearly ignited a fire in me.
I love finding positives in any negative situation, and Brenden’s idea to compile an exhibition of his photography that visually documents the effect the pandemic has had on this small community is both innovative and creative.
The interviews he has conducted with members of the area and the information he has gathered will be a valuable source of knowledge in the future, accompanied by the striking photos that display progressive closures of public places and deserted streets once restrictions came into effect, and interviews with those businesses that are struggling through it.
But, what the photos also display is a resilient community working together, adhering to restrictions to keep the numbers at zero and, generally, all digging in together to get through these tough times. With the added bonus of our isolated location, it has been the community connection and care for each other that has kept us all safe through this pandemic.
Business Interviews
Interviews with businesses such as Bev’s Baubles, Donald Steel, Donald Learning Group, Woods St. Café, The Shearing Shak, Ask For Art, and Kilgarrin Performance Horses highlight some of the challenges that our local community have been facing throughout this year and most importantly, how they are overcoming.
What an incredible way to portray a community staying connected through the tough times, and what an opportunity to promote the region using an otherwise negative situation.
As the pandemic is ongoing, so is Brenden’s project. No doubt he will be adding to his online exhibition for some time, but to view the work he has done so far, visit his website and select the Donald COVID-19 option from the menu. Sporting Clubs and other community groups would be a valuable addition to his project, and would help promote activities that are, for the time being, in hiatus. Brenden is also calling out to individuals or family units who would be willing to appear in portrait shots for the project. Any and all community involvement would be warmly welcomed!
I, for one, am grateful for locals like Brenden Murphy, for taking the initiative with this ongoing project and encourage members of the community to consider being included in this innovative exhibition of photography. Brenden can be contacted through social media platforms by searching 1mile2go photography, email, or by phone 0428 470 162.