The Buloke Times
The Unbreakable Farmer Comes To Buloke
1 min read

At the risk of needing a ‘spoiler alert,’ the story of Warren Davies – The Unbreakable Farmer – deserves to be told.

It’s not just about surviving adversity but managing the struggles we often push aside. These issues, like stubborn bindii, can stick with us and spread their impact if ignored.

Warren’s story is a powerful reminder that mental health needs constant care. He advocates for consistently checking in with yourself and having five key people as your personal maintenance team.

For Warren, it’s like a fortnightly “wheel balance” – assessing how steady and aligned life is. As he explains, if the spokes of your wheel aren’t strong, the entire wheel becomes unstable and risks breaking under pressure.

His analogy struck a chord with those gathered at the Wycheproof Community Resource Centre, those at the Nandaly pub, and the Berriwillock Community Centre.

Warren shares his struggles openly, acknowledging his missteps and the challenge of self-forgiveness. But he emphasizes the power of choice – to adapt, ask for help, improve, and reinvent oneself.

What makes his story compelling is how he tailors his message to suit his audience.

Whether speaking to a group of blokes or a diverse crowd, Warren adjusts his tone, creating an intimate atmosphere for candid discussions on a topic often brushed aside in rural communities.

The Unbreakable Farmer’s journey shows that resilience isn’t about being invincible, but about acknowledging vulnerabilities and working to mend them.

It’s a message that resonates not only with farmers but with anyone facing life’s challenges.

These community events were supported by Buloke Shire Council and funded by the Australian and Victorian Government’s Community Recovery Hubs Program. 

Resources are available on Warren’s website,

A reminder to our farming community that the new Farm Household Allowance (FHA) 10-year period started on July 1, 2024. Farmers who have used their four years may be eligible for four more. Contact the Rural Financial Counselling Service on 1300 735 578 for assistance.