The Buloke Times
“Times” Moves Towards 150
2 min read

(By Shane O’Shea, retired journalist/photographer)
On July 29 this year, the “Buloke Times” commenced its 150th year of newspaper publication, continuing a tradition of recording local district news established by the founder of the “Donald Times”, the late Godfrey Morgan.

During the past 149 years, the newspaper has undergone many changes, both in name and production method, but has steadfastly adhered to the desire to keep its readers informed and to record the many events that impact their lives and have shaped the development of the region.

As the “Times” rolled through the centuries, it gathered a number of former newspapers under its banner, including the “Donald Express”, “Donald Despatch”, “Donald Mail”. More recently, in 1973, it combined with the “Birchip Guardian” to become the “Donald-Birchip Times”, a move that introduced Janet Lee and Hazel McCready to the Donald-based team.

Then in 1995, the newspaper’s name again underwent change, to the “Buloke Times”, to reflect the new local government area created by forced Council amalgamations at that time.

Originally established in premises on the corner of Woods and Hammill Streets, and later at 46 Woods Street, part of the M. E. Morgan building, the printing business moved to larger premises at its current site, 6 McCulloch Street, in 1971, where it continued with the traditional hot metal/letterpress printing process, until the early 1980s, when it transitioned to computers and offset printing.

Members of the Morgan family and their descendants have maintained a continuous involvement with the newspaper, from founder Godfrey Morgan, who moved newspaper production from Landsborough to Donald in 1875, to his grandson Goff Letts Snr., who was editor for 66 years, from 1921 until his death in 1987; Robin Letts, Goff’s son, who has been editor since 1987, and has worked on the newspaper for over 75 years; and David Letts, Robin’s son, who joined the staff in 1980 and is the current owner and printer.

Longevity has been one of the strengths of the newspaper, Goff Letts Snr. as editor, sharing a successful partnership of 47 years with printer, Ted Chessells (1924 to 1970).

Robin’s association with the “Times” covers more than half the newspaper’s lifetime, and he shared lengthy associations with other long serving staff members, including his photographer wife Shirley, and compositor Brian Bayles (1959 to 2021).

As a hand and machine compositor/journalist/photographer, I also had the privilege of working with Goff, Robin, David, Brian and numerous other staff members, from 1972 to 2023.

The “Times” remains in good hands, with the current staff including the management team of Robin and David, Patsy Dunstan in the front office, editorial staff member, Quill McQuilty, and production staff, Candece Jay, Carmen Bath and Brenda McDonald.

All being well, and the presses continue to roll, the “Buloke Times” will celebrate its special anniversary on Tuesday, July 29, 2025, 150 years to the day its very first edition was published.