Unveiling Commemorates Vietnam Veterans Day

The battle of Long Tan and the belated acknowledgement of Vietnam veterans were the touchstones of an address given by MP Jade Benham at the Charlton RSL Sub-Branch commemoration to mark Vietnam Veterans Day last Sunday. 

The ceremony marked the fifty-eighth anniversary of the decisive battle and included the unveiling of four free-standing silhouette figures in the Branch’s reflective space. 

Speaking about the Vietnam War was an opportunity which didn’t often present itself, Jade Benham said, indicating that most of her associations with RSL addresses focused on ANZAC Day and World War 1. She said she was particularly pleased to be sharing this event with her two sons, who along with her husband, were also in attendance. 

Recounting a brief outline of the significance of the Long Tan incursion on 18th August 1966 (in which 17 Australians were killed in the confrontation against 2000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops), Jade also acknowledged veterans attending Charlton’s commemoration as well as all personnel who are currently serving.

She highlighted the belated recognition of Vietnam Veterans, many of whom were reviled and ostracized on their return from duty back in the 1970s. It wasn’t until 1987 that public appreciation was shown with a welcome home and “thank you” parade held in Sydney where 22,000 veterans marched in front of a crowd of around 100,000 people – a relatively small crowd, said Jade, when equated to the numbers which attend a high-profile AFL match of today. 

Jade said she was grateful to the Charlton RSL for its invitation to speak at Sunday’s occasion and recounted her association with the silhouette figure project which evolved out of a conversation at last year’s Remembrance Day ceremony. 

Hearing that the Sub-Branch was facing a shortfall of funds to complete the work, Jade said: “I couldn’t have been quicker to say, I’ll donate,  let me be involved! I’m happy to able to have played a very, very small part in this project – and it looks magnificent!”

The official unveiling was then conducted by Jade and Charlton Sub-Branch President, Allan McGillivray.

Four larger-than-life steel figures representing the navy, air force, military and medical divisions of the defence forces have been stationed around the gun carriage which is located on the Armstrong Street forecourt in front of the RSL Clubrooms. Against the backdrop of the mural depicting the Australian Women’s Land Army and the Volunteer Air Observers Corps, the space has been developed as a place of reflection with seating available to encourage people to stop and take a contemplative break.  

Discussing the project, President Allan McGillivray said it had evolved from an idea put forward by local quilter and former RSL member, Annette Sherriff, who had made exquisite quilts for the Sub-Branch to raffle for fundraising. 

Having seen a similar set up at Sea Lake, traction for the Charlton project grew, with Allan and his wife, Jenny, travelling to source ideas for designs for their home-town locale. 

Inspired by the figure at the Wakool Cenotaph, the Sub-Branch sought further funding, with a successful application from the Coonooer Bridge Wind Farm Community Grants program adding to the coffers. Additional support was provided by Bendigo Bank and Jade Benham. 

Construction of the figures was undertaken by TPOS Fabrication (Trevor Postlethwaite – Coonooer Bridge) with the resulting cut-outs made from 8mm steel, which was then cleaned with methylated spirits and allowed to rust naturally. The installation was supported by T.T. & E.M. Pole and Reeves Earthmoving, while the Buloke Shire contributed three bench seats for the enhancement of the area.

Background Story
Following the official duties Allan McGillivray then revealed the background story to the modelling of the Air Force figure, introducing extended family members, Neil and Leonie McGillivray whose son, Judd had provided the inspiration for the aviation representative. 

The McGillivray family of four children boasts an impressive connection to the Australian Defence Force with all four having been members: Tara, with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), (retired), Nathan with the Navy (retired), and Judd and Evan still serving in the RAAF. Their father, Neil was also a former RAAF member.  

Concluding the morning’s formalities, secretary, Bill Freeman, then invited all attendees to join RSL members for a barbeque lunch.   

A roll call of Charlton Vietnam Veterans was conducted earlier in the proceedings and included the following: B. W. Cossar, W. M. Crossley, G. R. Jackman, A. E. Jane, B. W. Jane, I. P. Jane, F. B. Noonan, R. J. Roberts, R. J. Smyth, J. C. Wilson, L. C. White and R. Cripps.

(For further information about the Charlton RSL contact President Allan McGillivray – 0408 508 550).

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