The Buloke Times
Lucky Shoppers Win Birchip Big Bucks
2 min read

The drawing of the Birchip Big Bucks bonanza at the Community Christmas Party on Sunday brought Christmas cheer to loyal customers, who now have Birchip Big Bucks vouchers and prizes to use before Christmas.

This year, the Birchip Big Bucks Christmas draw was organised by Birchip Forum members Emily Noonan and Carol Reid, with administration support from Simone Christie at the Birchip Neighbourhood House.

Twenty participating businesses generously contributed prizes and cash valued at over $3,500, which were awarded to lucky shoppers who had placed their Bauble Cards in the box in the newsagency or had been added by participating traders.

Five Birchip calendars were awarded to people in the crowd who found the lucky tickets in a fun twist organised by Emily Noonan at the Birchip Christmas party.

The draw wrapped up a fun day of activities for local community members and their visitors.

Winners of the vouchers purchased from participating business by Birchip Forum from the Big Bucks donations:

  • Kincrome Toolkit Value $540 (donated by O’Connors): Russell Christie
  • 5X $100 Kawaii Kids Vouchers: Peter Doran, Georgie Warne, Judith Horton, Henry Doyle, Ros McCallum
  • $250 YBS Ag Voucher: Cameron Ferrier
  • 5X $100 Birchip IGA Vouchers: Lachlan Barber, Garry Quirk, Noel Acreman, Neil Davis, Jayden Noonan
  • 10X $25 Sharps Bakery Vouchers: Val Ryan, Mark Bowen, Rodney Bennett, Sami Mitchell, Leo Ryan, Jackie Tierney, Owen Reid, Paul G, Leah Connelly, Christian Hogan, 
  • $100 YBS Ag Voucher: Rosalie Gould.
  • $100 Mallee Shearing Shed Voucher: Denise Schier
  • $250 O’Connors Birchip Voucher: Kate Boyle.
  • 1 X $50, 2X $40 and 5 X $20 Birchip Newsagency Voucher: Glenys Rickard, Woody, Ray Winkleman, Ken Tierney, Beryl Fietz, Joshua Hamilton, Sharee Dobson, Tony Ryan. 
  • $50 Birchip Post Office Voucher: Peg Hogan.
  • $50 Mallee Branded Voucher: Alanna Davidson.
  • 5 X Birchip Community Calendars (lucky spot winners): Charlie McAuliffe, Jacinta Bourke, Britney Robinson, Phoebe Tyler, Phoebe Tyler. 
  • Mallee Shearing Shed Gift Pack: Beryl Fietz.
  • 2 X $50 Relish a Mallee Moment Voucher: John, Michael Foott.
  • 2 X $75 Central Mallee Osteopathy Vouchers: Stacey Hamilton, “Woody”.
  • Mallee Landscape Chinese Elm: Michael Kujath.
  • Wirrim CWA: Kate Milne,Carol Reid, Helen Barber, Kate Milne.

If you haven’t received your winning voucher please call at the Birchip Neighbourhood House or contact Emily Noonan. If you are a local trader and receive a voucher, please remember to pass it on to the Birchip Neighbourhood House so they can reimburse your business for the value of the voucher.