The Buloke Times
School Holiday Fun at Resource Centre
1 min read

Activities are coming up at Wycheproof Community Resource Centre over the June/July school holidays. 

Group Minecraft sessions will be held on Wednesday, June 30 and Wednesday, July 7. 

Minecraft is described as a “sandbox game” – a virtual land where users can create their own worlds and experiences using building blocks and resources discovered with their own creativity.  

At WCRC’s sessions, the computers are connected via a shared server, meaning players are able to interact with each other, both on the screen and in person – great for building social skills and the ability to work as a team.  

These sessions are best suited to primary school-aged students, and always book out fast, so get in quick to secure your child’s spot. 

On Tuesday, July 6, new and expectant parents interested in reducing their family’s environmental footprint are invited to an information session on cloth nappies. 

The modern cloth nappy is vastly different to nappies of the past — they’re user-friendly (not a safety pin in sight!), come in a range of sizes, styles and adorable prints, and provide significant cost savings in the long run compared to disposables.  

The free session will be run by Wycheproof’s Katherine Brennan, co-owner of Australian Cloth Nappy Rental, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m..  

Meanwhile, WCRC is delighted to welcome back Sue Phillips for a fun and interactive Story Time session in the Wycheproof Library at 10 a.m., on Thursday, July 8.  

This event is free and suitable for toddlers through to primary school aged children.  

Term 3 at WCRC is jam-packed with events, activities and education opportunities — from shearing school to yoga classes, pruning workshops to AgTech courses, there is something to interest everyone. 

Visit www.wycheproofcrc.org.au for more information.